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The Poor Man and the minister

The day came for the image from the temple to be drawn round the holy town in its chariot. The Queen said to the King, Let us go and attend the festival'. Only one man out of the household did not join in the pilgrimage. His work was to collect stalks of spear-grass to make brooms for the King's house. The chief of the servants said in pity to him. "You may come with us." He bowed his head, saying It cannot be. The man dwelt by the road along which the King's followers had to pass. And when the Minister's elephant reached the spot, he called to him and said, "Come with us and see the God ride in his chariot dare not seek god after the King's fashion' 'I said the man. How should you ever have such luck again as to see the God in his chariot?" asked the Minister. when God himself comes to my door, answered the man.

The Minister laughed loud and said, 'Fool! God comes to my door Yet a King must travel to see him who except God visits the poor? said the man.


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